Chart support
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Simple yet flexible JavaScript charting for designers & developers

Mermaid support
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Generate diagrams, charts, graphs or flows from markdown-like text via javascript.

MathJax support
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A JavaScript display engine for mathematics that works in all browsers.No more setup for readers. It just works.

Katex support
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KaTeX is a fast, easy-to-use JavaScript library for TeX math rendering on the web.

Flowchart support
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flowchart.js is a flowchart DSL and SVG render that runs in the browser and terminal. Nodes and connections are defined in separately so that nodes can be reused and connections can be quickly changed.

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cartoon gallery

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photo gallery

Node.js 抓取中文网页乱码的若干问题
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使用 iconv-lite 解决 request 乱码问题 Node.js 抓取非 utf-8 的中文网页时会出现乱码问题,比如网易的首页编码是 gb2312,抓取时会出现乱码 var request = require('request') var url = '' request(url, function (err, res, body) { console.log(body) })

将 Sublime Text 3 添加到右键菜单上
· ☕ 2 分钟
当你想浏览到一个文件夹/文件时,想要编辑它,很自然的会右键看看有哪些可编辑的方式。当安装sublime text之后,一般的代码文件右键都有有

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题目 在一个世世代代都重男轻女的村庄里,村长决定颁布一条法律,村子里没有生育出儿子的夫妻可以一直生育直到生出儿子为止,假设现在村子上的男女比例

· ☕ 7 分钟
作者:Makrembolitissa 链接:

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